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Local residents show support to Herriman, Riverton police with grab bags

Jun 24, 2020 12:12PM ● By Stephanie Yrungaray

By Stephanie Yrungaray | [email protected]

In a time of protests, quarantines and uncertainty, many people such as Herriman resident Lindsey McDonald are trying to help people in the best way they know how.

McDonald’s best friend is married to a police officer in Colorado and mentioned that she was creating care packages for her husband’s police department.

“I thought it would be a great way to show our support to our police,” said McDonald.

She posted the idea of showing support to local police on a Herriman Facebook page, and people immediately reached out to help.

“We got quite a bit of support,” said McDonald. “I got $250 in donations to my Venmo account, and we had a lady deliver 20 cards that her kids had written to the police. My sister and her kids as well as my kids wrote cards too. It was a lot of support and I was grateful for it.”

Because many police officers were working overtime, McDonald purchased items for “grab bags.” With the donations, she was able to put together 65 bags for police officers in Herriman and Riverton.

“We put in Clif Bars, Gatorade, gum, hand sanitizer, beef jerky, chips and candy,” said McDonald.

On June 6, McDonald and her kids delivered 30 grab bags to the Herriman Police Department and 35 to the Riverton Police Department.

“We received them very happily,” said Herriman Lieutenant Cody Stromberg. “We had a great interaction and great conversation with them. Herriman is a great place; we are more beneficial than a lot of departments because of that community support.”

“With the protests that were going on, I know they had worked long hours that week,” said McDonald. “Not only that, but also feeling the stressors that came from social media and the media, they were super grateful, and one of them was a little emotional. Both of the departments said we live in such an amazing community, and they are so grateful for the appreciation they feel from the community.

Stromberg said the current protests have opened up great conversations with many residents.

“This situation facilitates conversations about how we can be better and how we can improve working relationships and have greater transparency,” Stromberg said. “We are lucky to live and work in a community that supports us and wants to have the conversation rather than taking it the other direction.”